I said there are many firsts in Damas, however, this one is the proudest moment of all, for me personally and in my career. To bring the entire business together, touring 9 cities, 6 regions, meeting 1,800 people in under three weeks is unprecedented. It was a blessed month, humbling, overwhelming and incredibly inspiring. I always say that my single focus is to make a difference and the videos and photos below show that. To genuinely emotionally engage people, motivate them and give them a sense of security is a gift that I am forever grateful and thankful for.

MAY 12TH, 2019 - Damas Factory Teams

MAY 13TH, 2019 - Damas HQ

MAY 14TH, 2019 - Abu Dhabi & Al Ain Teams, UAE

MAY 15TH, 2019 - Dubai Retail Teams

MAY 16TH, 2019 - Northern Emirates Teams, UAE

MAY 19TH, 2019 - Kuwait Retail Teams

MAY 20TH, 2019 - Qatar Retail Teams

MAY 21ST, 2019 - Oman Retail Teams

MAY 26TH, 2019 - Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Retail Teams

MAY 27TH, 2019 - Riyadh Retail Teams, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

MAY 28TH, 2019 - Bahrain Retail Teams, our last amazing Iftar on this remarkable blessed month and regional tour. I have always said that people are my number one asset and there is nothing more powerful than seeing the energy and transformation of an entire business.