My commitment to social responsibility is an underlying core philosophy of my very being. I have worked with local and regional charities, centers for children with special needs, orphans, refugees and the underprivileged, striving to make a difference to their lives and impacting the lives of those involved. This is something that is built into my foundation; it is who I am and how I was raised. These are the values in which I live. It is my mission to create a legacy and in doing so, Social Responsibilty plays a key role. We can only make change through making a difference.
A big part of this responsibility is my quest to support artisans and preserve the heritage of their craftsmanship. My passion for India and working with these amazing people, helping to support their work and trying to bring it to the forefront of the world. In a world where technology surpasses any other skill and where little attention is given to handcrafts. I wonder if robots or apps or any other such device will be able to replace the skills created by these individuals, don't bother guessing, the answer is NO.
I am delighted to share with you some of the special moments of my involvement in the community and making a difference. I hope that these projects and photos inspire you as much as they have inspired me.